April 2023

Meinders Library April 5, 2023 Board Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Justin Schroyer at 5:17 pm. Present were Mary Ann DeGroot, Gerald Brockberg, Justin Schroyer, Taylor Spronk, Pat Weets, Dan Wildermuth, Emily Williamson, and Jody Wacker.   

The agenda was approved with a motion by Weets, a second by DeGroot, and passed unanimously. There were no community concerns. Prior minutes from the March meeting were distributed for approval.  The meeting minutes were approved with a motion by Wildermuth, a second by Weets, and passed unanimously. 

Old business consisted of discussing the bylaws.  In article three, some wording was changed to account for this being an advisory board instead of a governing one.  There was some discussion about having meetings quarterly instead of monthly.  Dan suggested phrasing a minimum requirement of quarterly meetings and more often as needed.  Articles four and five were updated to reflect new dates and the old school wording was eliminated.  In article four, wording was changed from “appoint” to “recommend” a competent administrator or librarian.  There were some questions about if this board can vote or approve the budget.  Additionally, Gery Brockberg brought up if there could be clarification on where the budget comes from and if there could be our own account or a joint powers payroll account.  The bylaws were approved with a motion by Brockberg, a second by Weets, and passed unanimously.   

New business began with a review of the strategic plan.  There was discussion about how school curriculum and technology should be removed and changed to more inclusive wording.  The strategic plan was approved with a motion by Spronk, a second by Weets, and passed unanimously.  The board also reviewed the challenge policy.  Wacker recommended having a smaller committee review the challenge policy and bring this forward at next month’s meeting.  ALA and MLA do have documents available with wording and policies for these concerns.  DeGroot and Spronk volunteered to serve on a small committee for the challenge policy.  There was discussion about showing the challenge policy to an attorney but not requiring the attorney’s approval.          

The director’s report began with Schroyer signing the completed state report.  This report includes usage, numbers, programs, and the collection; this goes to the state for state and federal funding.  Business is almost finished with Pipestone Area Schools.  The school has some funds from the library that needs to return to the city.  Finally, the school will remove and return the library’s signage this summer.  Wacker also conducted a tour of Minnesota libraries last week.  Bob Meinders has purchased the library building and most recently purchased the south house to construct a new door and twelve stall parking lot.  Wacker has ordered flooring and will look into cabinets and checking ADA regulations next.  Weets suggested installing two unisex bathrooms to improve construction plans.      

The meeting adjourned at 6:23 pm.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 5:15 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted by Emily Williamson, Secretary